Superfood, Expo, Tokyo

My original name was Kim. My family came from Korea even before the WW2.

So I raised in Japan. After guraduating high school, I went to Germany and spent my college years in Berlin.
I was motivated to learn new technologies like Blockchain. But I still needed to make money to cover my living cost. So I started working at a Japanese restaurant, selling any sport tickets online and in front of stadiums. And then I discovered Poker, got into it and learn how to win.

Our duty today is to tell young men how to become disciplined and work hard. Whatever difficulties you’re facing, there are ways to overcome and become stronger.

God does not burden any soul with more than it can bear.

– Qur’an (2:286)

God tests you with hardships. They are blessings, but you do not see. You must enjoy it

God will not change your condition unless you change what is in yourselves”

– Qur’an (13:11)

You must change. Otherwise nothing will change.